Mindfulness-Based Meditation

The people of Thailand have a Buddhist tradition dating back thousands of years. Mindfulness-based meditation is a traditional Buddhist practice using observation of the present moment as the primary and central focus. It is also a technique used to manage distracting thoughts and feelings by concentrating on the details and sensations of the present moment. […]

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Thai Massage or Thai Yoga Bodywork

Thai yoga or Thai yoga bodywork is a combination of three modalities: traditional Thai massage, yoga, and physiotherapy. Thai yoga is also referred to as Thai massage, Thai yoga massage, Thai yoga therapy, Thai therapeutics, Thai medical massage and more. Just as there are many branches to yoga, there are many different approaches and labels […]

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Yoga for Improved Sleep

Sleep deprivation and stress can together develop into a vicious cycle. It is common to have trouble falling asleep due to worries and anxiety. A night of insufficient sleep can add to the stress of the following day. It can easily become a pattern. Yoga can be a gentle and restorative way to relax the […]

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All Natural Remedies Recommended by Experts

In today’s busy world, even the most health-conscious person is going to feel a bit under the weather at some point. Instead of immediately running to the pharmacy for medication to ease whatever ails you, there are a multitude of expert-recommended natural remedies that you can put together from things you may likely have at […]

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