Traditional Thai Yoga Massage Techniques

When you think of going to get a massage, you think about being a passive participant, lying under a blanket as a massage therapist presses and kneads your muscles. A Thai yoga massage is a completely different experience. There is a practitioner who uses their palms to knead your muscles, but they will also twist […]

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Health Benefits of Breath Awareness

Developing breath awareness, and learning to breathe properly, is one of the easiest ways to improve your physical and mental health. It is a great testament to our ability to make things harder than they need to be that we often overlook this simple, commonplace thing that is easily accessible to us at all times. […]

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Meditation and Karmic Cleansing

Meditation or “going within” is the most subtle and magnificent form of karmic cleansing. It is one of the fastest ways to clear the karmic backlog. You have karmic cleansing done through prayers and the dream state, but in meditation, you actually have the power to clean your own slate and realize your true self. […]

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What are Chakras and How Do They Affect Us?

Chakras are entry gates of the aura. Within the physical body resides a spiritual body that contains the chakras. The word Chakra in Sanskrit translates to wheel or disc. The chakras are centers of activity that receive, assimilate and express life force energy. They are responsible for each person’s physical, mental, and spiritual functions. They […]

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