Yoga Poses to Help You Sleep

The calming and relaxation properties of yoga are widely known and discussed all over the world. You can ease your way into a more restful night sleep with restorative yoga poses and deep, mindful breathing. Where Zen meets REM, here are six easy yoga poses to activate the Parasympathetic Nervous System, which helps to counteract […]

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Symbolism Related to Common Yoga Poses

Yoga poses have strong symbolism and knowing the meaning behind some of the most common yoga poses can bring more magic to your practice. Here are several of the most common yoga poses (asanas) and what each of them symbolizes: Prayer pose – also referred to as Anjali Mudra, prayer pose is probably the most […]

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Different Types of Meditation

The word meditation covers a wide array of practices, from mindful walking and eating to meditation through the use of mantras. Some meditation practitioners prefer one style over another and choose to practice the method they prefer, while others choose to practice a variety of methods based on the benefits to them and the value […]

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